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IN THE SPOTLIGHT: BeeHive’s Nourishing Face Pack For All Skin Types
Social Media Workshop For Business
Normal Price: R1950,00 – Black Friday Special: Only R950,00
Only Valid 26 – 29 Nov 2021
9 Reasons to go the Nature’s route..
Reason #1: No Contamination
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Reason #2: Easy to follow routine
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Reason #3: Works for sensitive skin too
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Reason #4: Counters Pollution
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Reason #5: Hydrates the Skin
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Reason #6: Opens Blocked Pores
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Reason #7: Improves Pigmentation
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Reason #8: Reduces Acne Breakouts
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Reason #9: Gives a Healthy Glow
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Get your own BeeHive Face Pack with 7 Face Masks TODAY!
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